Healthwatch England has published the second piece of its research on GP referrals, based on the experiences of 1,518 people who were surveyed.

Nearly one in five (18%) required four or more GP appointments to get a referral.

Other key findings included:

  • The NHS has a ‘referrals blind spot’, as times for getting a GP referral vary considerably.
  • More than one in 10, 11%, waited four or more months after their first GP appointment for their GP to give a referral.
  • Nearly one in three GP referrals don’t progress directly to a hospital appointment or join a waiting list due to a lack of communication, choice, or administrative matters. This is worse for people needing mental health referrals.
  • People told us that when they didn’t get a referral, their symptoms worsened, impacting their mental and physical health, their ability to work, or a loss of income.

Healthwatch is calling on decision makers to do more to understand the referral process eg. collect national data, and to improve communication with patients.

Chief Executive Louise Ansari said: “Our new research shows how difficult it can be for many people to get a hospital or specialist care referral, even after a GP initiates it.

“As a result, people’s health and wellbeing can suffer, and many instead go to crowded A&E departments, pay for private healthcare, or return to their GP in a worse condition.

“While the NHS monitors hospital waiting lists, the number of people who wait for a GP referral remains unknown to the health system. As well as looking at this ‘hidden’ waiting list, healthcare leaders need to address delays in progressing referrals, particularly for mental health support.

“People need to be given clear information about their referral process and be supported while they wait, with access to physiotherapy and pain management services where appropriate.

“Understanding the demand for healthcare is vital. Delaying or moving care around to different parts of the system puts more pressure on already stretched NHS services. Not only is this inefficient, but it can also put people’s health at risk.”

Full details of the report and its findings can be found in the Healthwatch article ‘GP referrals: we need to address the ‘hidden’ waiting list’ here:

What is your experience of GP referral? Email us at and tell us how your care was managed.