Community events, drop-in sessions and meetings that we attend offer a great opportunity for you to give face to face feedback on your experiences using health and care services and ideas you may have to improve them.

Our next public board meeting is our AGM on Wednesday July 10 2024 from 10am to 12noon at Hebburn Central.

Business Support/Engagement Officer Bev Cook and volunteers will be at our Information Stand at Cleadon Park Primary Care Centre for a day each month this year.

If you are there on any of the following dates, pop over and see them if you have any questions or feedback on your experiences on health and social care in the borough:

Monday 15th April

Monday 20th May

Monday 17th June

Monday 15th July

Monday 12th August

Monday 23rd September

Monday 21st October

Monday 18th November

We hope to see you there!