Ukrainian refugees who have settled in South Tyneside can receive free help and advice in their first language from a new website.

Ukrainians Welcome is a joint initiative by UK anti-slavery and human rights organisations.

It aims to provide helpful information to displaced Ukrainians arriving in the UK, with a view to making their lives easier and keeping them safe.

More than 30 people from Ukraine have settled in South Tyneside as part of a scheme helping them leave their war-torn country.

South Tyneside Council said the number includes at least seven families, 15 adults and 10 children.

They have been resettled through the Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme.

Alongside the existing hosts, there have been 49 in South Tyneside who have been matched with guests who have not yet arrived. A further 323 local people have expressed an interest in providing a home to a Ukrainian family, but have not yet been matched.

Безопасное пребывание в Великобритании
Руководство По Помощи И Поддержке В Великобритании

Ukrainians Welcome – це спільна ініціатива британських організацій, що борються з рабством та за права людини. Її мета – надати корисну інформацію щодо безпеки та життя в цілому у Великобританії переміщеним українцям.

The website can be found at:

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