Are you happy with your local pharmacy service?

The Health and Wellbeing Board of South Tyneside Council has produced a draft local Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) which will help ensure residents have good access to local pharmacy services.

The last PNA was published in 2018 and a new PNA is due to be published in October.

The PNA looks at the current provision of pharmacy services across South Tyneside and whether there are any potential gaps to service delivery.

It is used by NHS England in its consideration of applications to join the pharmaceutical list, and by commissioners of community pharmacy enhanced and locally commissioned services to make decisions on how to best meet the needs of the local population.

The draft PNA for South Tyneside has been published on the Council’s website, and can be viewed at

The statutory consultation runs until September 6 to seek the views of the public and other stakeholders on whether they agree with the contents of this pharmaceutical needs assessment.

All comments will be incorporated into the final PNA following the consideration of the Steering Group. This will give an overview of the feedback received and set out how this has impacted the final document.

If you would like to respond, please access the consultation survey at

If you know someone who needs this survey in a different format, for example large print, Braille or a different language, please email